BSD tty security, part 3: How to Fix It

cadp01 at cadp01 at
Sun Apr 28 23:07:39 AEST 1991

In article <15896:Apr2714:35:3991 at>, 
brnstnd at (Dan Bernstein) writes:

[stuff deleted]
> 1. Do people think it's a problem that lines from ``write'' are not
> identified? If nothing else, I like the ability to carry on two or three
> write conversations at once without getting totally confused. If others
> don't like this, though, then I'll stop pushing for it.

Me too, but I would rather have it as an option (mesg i ?) instead of
being forced to see this identification on every line I get. That way you
would satisfy both parts. This should of course be at the recepient end. 
Would this be too messy?

> 2. Do people think it's a problem that someone can start a ``write'',
> then just type EOF or EOT to simulate ending it, then continue typing
> without identification? While most experienced users will guess exactly
> what's going on, novice users are really up the creek. Does anyone agree
> with Jef that it's ``disgusting'' to see
> 	Message from operator at kramden on ttyp7 at 10:24 ...
> 	operator: this is where the text goes
> 	operator: and so on
> 	End of message from operator at kramden on ttyp7 at 10:25
> instead of
> 	Message from operator at kramden on ttyp7 at 10:24 ...
> 	this is where the text goes
> 	and so on
> 	EOF
> Maybe I'm biased from my RELAY days, but I really find the first format
> more informative.

Some people want it and some don't, make it an option and keep everyone 
happy. I would have like a 'End of message from foo at bar on ...' instead
of the EOT/EOF but this would just have a purely informative purpose in a
system that didn't enforce identification of lines.

> 3. Do people think it's a problem that ``write'' can flood a terminal
> with output before the recipient has a chance to react? My version
> limits output to 500 characters per line and one line a second. Does
> anyone think that this affects legitimate uses of ``write''? If not, is
> there any harm in adding the protection against accidents and abuse?
> ---Dan

If you want to give someone a piece of code or something similar over 
write, then one second per line might be a bit too much. Of course, the
identification on each line would already have messed it up so you couldn't
grab the lot with a mouse and store it somewhere without a search-and-


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