April 1991 Archives by author
Starting: Mon Apr 1 02:40:45 AEST 1991
Ending: Tue Apr 30 22:10:17 AEST 1991
Messages: 625
- out of swap space
- need advice on IBM UNIX
Rob Marmen 1532773
- Can a command be stuffed into History?
Gary Weimer 253-7796
- taring filenames>100 char?
Gary Weimer 253-7796
- References to Streams applications
- BSD tty security, part 3: How to Fix It
- (none)
Marco Japke A.
- (none)
Marco Japke A.
- I/O error in /dev/ttyp0..
Sung UnJae AILAB
- Text editor wanted [EVE]
Dan_Jacobson at ATT.COM
- History - Re: dosedit style command edit in UNIX?
Dan_Jacobson at ATT.COM
- cancel <7354:Apr2510:25:0591 at kramden.acf.nyu.edu>
- Need Info: How to analyze mbufs in core
Rohit Aggarwal
- How can you tell who has what files open?
Jon Albers
- UNIX Security and Monitoring
Forrie Aldrich
- dup2() system call
Forrie Aldrich
- UNIX-WIZARDS Digest V12#067
Ana Maria De Alvare'
Ana Maria De Alvare'
- Would somebody please explain?
Ric Anderson
- SECURITY Concerns for Unix systems
Bob Ankeney
- SCO Mailing List
Dave Armbrust
- Remember 'conslog'?
Tom Armistead
- Is it possible to hide process args from 'ps -ef'??
Tom Armistead
- Hacking and "Amateurism"
Jason "dedos" Austin
- POSIX bashing
Bob Bagwill
- UNIX v7 calling sched()
Jim Balter
- UNIX v7 calling sched()
Jim Balter
- UNIX v7 calling sched()
Jim Balter
Pranab K. Banerjee
- Ware Ware Wizardjin
Paul Barton-Davis
- DON'T USE 'FU/usr/lib/uucp/L.sys' in sendmail.cf
Piet Beertema
- Thin wire or twisted pair?
Eric Behr
- Shared libraries (was Re: Window system bashing (was Re: X11 bashing))
Thomas Bellman
- new password idea
Steven Bellovin
- BSD tty security, part 4: What You Can Look Forward To
Steven Bellovin
- troff to PostScript Converter
Mike Belshe
- Inode retrieval
Mike Belshe
- Shared Libraries: Unique to Suns??
Scott Bennett
- Passwords
Scott Bennett
- new password idea
Scott Bennett
- Is it possible to hide process args from 'ps -ef'?? (Recap)
Scott Bennett
- network backup in a heterogeneous environment
Scott Bennett
- new password idea
Scott Bennett
- new password idea
Scott Bennett
- network backup in a heterogeneous environment
Scott Bennett
- Sun ld.so error message...
Art Berggreen
- Whither NeXT?
Anthony Berno
- POSIX bashing
Dan Bernstein
- Password Pipe
Dan Bernstein
- POSIX bashing
Dan Bernstein
- Passwords
Dan Bernstein
- Passwords
Dan Bernstein
- readline bashing (was POSIX bashing)
Dan Bernstein
- BSD tty security, part 1: The Berkeley Experience
Dan Bernstein
- BSD tty security, part 2: The POSIX Perspective
Dan Bernstein
- BSD tty security, part 3: How to Fix It
Dan Bernstein
- Passwords
Dan Bernstein
- BSD tty security, part 4: What You Can Look Forward To
Dan Bernstein
- BSD tty security, part 3: How to Fix It
Dan Bernstein
- cmsg cancel <29090: Apr2418:18:0991 at kramden.acf.nyu.edu>
Dan Bernstein
- BSD tty security, part 4: What You Can Look Forward To
Dan Bernstein
- Ware Ware Wizardjin ...
Torsten Beyer
- UNIX-WIZARDS Digest V12#074
Michael W. Bigrigg
- Distributed or centralized mail configuration?
Carlo Bolchini
- Is it possible to hide process args from 'ps -ef'??
H. David Bonnett
- X sucks (was: Re: Ware Ware Wizardjin)
Frank P. Bresz
- POSIX bashing
Mark Brown
- POSIX bashing
Mark Brown
- csh and SIGHUP, POSIX and BSD
Mark Brown
- UNIX Security and Monitoring
Glenn M. Brunette
- Hacking and "Amateurism"
John Bryan
- new password idea
Gordon Burditt
- (none)
Jim Burns
- (none)
- BSD tty security, part 4: What You Can Look Forward To
Paul Pomes - UofIllinois CSO
- (none)
Chris Calabrese
- All those windows, all that hitech (was POSIX bashing)
Chris Calabrese
- Trusting Everyone (was tty security)
Jerry Callen
- rsh, remote user and host...
Claude Cantin
- BSD tty security, part 4: What You Can Look Forward To
Ed Carp
- How Make a File-Replica Server?
Larry Carroll
- Sun ld.so error message...
Sal Cataudella
- How can you tell who has what files open?
John Chambers
- How do I catch all output
Sehyeong Cho
- Load Averages on Multiprocessors
Tom Christiansen
- cmsg cancel <29090: Apr2418:18:0991 at kramden.acf.nyu.edu>
Tom Christiansen
- Word-oriented GREP
Tom Christiansen
- UNIX Security and Monitoring
R. Cirksena
- SVR4: smtpqer, and remote printer configuation problems... HELP!!
Ronald Cole
- SVR4: smtpqer, and remote printer configuation problems... HELP!!
Ronald Cole
- POSIX bashing (actually cooked vs raw or cbreak mode)
Geoff Collyer
- determining if DCE device is ready
Trevor Cotton
- Getting status of DCE device from a DTE device
Trevor Cotton
- mailing mail folders
Don Cox
- ccpu
Ray.Moody at Cray.Com
- BSD tty security, part 3: How to Fix It
Mark Crispin
- Proximity Search
John Cristy
- Proximity Search
John Cristy
Steve Croft
- How big is BUFSIZ on your system?
Russell Crook
- out of swap space?
Andrew Davidson
- How big is BUFSIZ on your system?
Tim Dawson
- Compressed Backups
Anthony DeBoer
- Guru on tip needed
Stephen M. Deal
- sgtty -> termio
Dave Decot
- BSD tty security, part 4: What You Can Look Forward To
Karl Denninger
- SECURITY Concerns for Unix systems
Steven S. Dick
- Hardware flow control for TTY ports under V.3
Uwe Doering
- new password idea
Al Donaldson
- Ware Ware Wizardjin
Allan Doyle
- Request help in setting up DNS on a SUN 4.1.1 system
Kerry Duke
- SUN unix performance tests anyone?
Kerry Duke
- Ware Ware Wizardjin ...
Dick Dunn
- CISC software on RISC hardware
Dick Dunn
- beware the hardware/software time warp
Dick Dunn
- Ware Ware Wizardjin ...
Dick Dunn
- X costs (was X sucks)
Dick Dunn
- UNIX-like, or profitable?
Dick Dunn
- nice graphics and gobbling the cpu
Dick Dunn
- X11 bashing
Dick Dunn
- valid, but not what we were after...
Dick Dunn
- Dual Universes
Dick Dunn
- Shared libraries ...
Dick Dunn
- patches?
Andy Duplain
- dosedit style command edit in UNIX?
Andy Duplain
- network backup in a heterogeneous environment
Jan Edler
- make bug sunos4.0.3?
Peter van Eijk
- new password idea
John P. Eisenmenger
- problem with matherr(), cannot trap under/overflow
Mike Elliot
- BSD tty security, part 3: How to Fix It
Robert Elz
- dosedit style command edit in UNIX?
L. Scott Emmons
- dosedit style command edit in UNIX?
Joe English
- Looking for ppl
Olaf ErbDC1IK
- Shared libraries (was Re: Window system bashing (was Re: X11 bashing))
Peter Eriksson
- Thin wire or twisted pair?
Andrew C. Esh
Ata Etemadi
- POSIX bashing
Sean Eric Fagan
- Shared libraries (was Re: Window system bashing (was Re: X11 bashing))
Sean Eric Fagan
- Shared libraries (was Re: Window system bashing (was Re: X11 bashing))
Sean Eric Fagan
- Shared libraries (was Re: Window system bashing (was Re: X11 bashing))
Sean Eric Fagan
- Compressed Backups
Bernd Felsche
- unix undelete ?????
Bernd Felsche
- POSIX spec: where can I get one ?
Jose Fernandez
- Dual Universes
Brian Fitzgerald
- X sucks (was: Re: Ware Ware Wizardjin)
Jim Flanagan
- sendmail on SCO ODT + uucp: SOLUTION
Lawrence Flon
- X sucks (was: Re: Ware Ware Wizardjin)
Thaddeus P. Floryan
- UNIX tape duplicator request
Noah Friedman
Jeremy Gaffney
- Passwords
Jeremy Gaffney
- Bugginess in /etc/printcap and gethostname
Nico Garcia
- lex and yacc help desired
Peter Garst
- Shared libraries: what functions are dynamically linked in?
Rob Gingell
- Ware Ware Wizardjin
Jerry Gitomer
- lex and yacc help desired
Dr. Richard Glass
- Wanted: Queueing system for automated access to lab workstations
Anne Louise Gockel
- POSIX bashing
Martin Golding
- Writing device drivers that reach over a bus..
Roger Gonzalez
- POSIX bashing
Bob Goudreau
- readline bashing (was POSIX bashing)
Ed Gould
- Ware Ware Wizardjin (was Re: readline bashing (was POSIX bashing))
Ed Gould
- Ware Ware Wizardjin
Ed Gould
- readline bashing (was POSIX bashing)
Ed Gould
- POSIX bashing
Ed Gould
- Hardware flow control for TTY ports under V.3
Ed Gould
- X11 bashing
Sean Mc Grath
- POSIX bashing
Doug Gwyn
- umask for ordinary files in CSH
Doug Gwyn
- readline bashing (was POSIX bashing)
Doug Gwyn
- Ware Ware Wizardjin
Doug Gwyn
- How big is BUFSIZ on your system?
Doug Gwyn
- X sucks (was: Re: Ware Ware Wizardjin)
Doug Gwyn
- POSIX bashing (actually cooked vs raw or cbreak mode)
Doug Gwyn
- ctrl-P
Doug Gwyn
- Ware Ware Wizardjin
Doug Gwyn
- Ware Ware Wizardjin
Doug Gwyn
- X sucks
Doug Gwyn
- Out of descriptors, out of luck?
Doug Gwyn
- How hard can this be? (Was: POSIX bashing)
Doug Gwyn
- ctrl-P
Doug Gwyn
- ctrl-P
Doug Gwyn
- X sucks (was: Re: Ware Ware Wizardjin)
Doug Gwyn
Doug Gwyn
- Dual Universes
Doug Gwyn
- Dual Universes
Doug Gwyn
- new password idea
Doug Gwyn
- out of swap space?
Steve Haller
- SysVr4 iget/ILOCK
Scott Hammond
- Wizard level questions
Andrew Hardie
- POSIX bashing
Guy Harris
- Out of descriptors, out of luck?
Guy Harris
- Streams line disciplines (was POSIX bashing, cooked vs raw or cbreak mode)
Guy Harris
- POSIX bashing
Guy Harris
- X sucks (was: Re: Ware Ware Wizardjin)
Guy Harris
- Window system bashing (was Re: X11 bashing)
Guy Harris
- Out of descriptors, out of luck?
Guy Harris
- Is it possible to hide process args from 'ps -ef'?? (Recap)
Guy Harris
- Is it possible to hide process args from 'ps -ef'?? (Recap)
Guy Harris
- Would somebody please explain?
Guy Harris
- Is it possible to hide process args from 'ps -ef'?? (Recap)
Guy Harris
- Shared libraries: what functions are dynamically linked in?
Guy Harris
- How big is BUFSIZ on your system?
Guy Harris
- Can a command be stuffed into History?
Robert Hartman
- rz55 parameters
John Haxby
- network backup in a heterogeneous environment
Kenneth J. Heeres
- automounter for nfs under SCO unix ...
Mark C. Henderson
- Text editor wanted
Mark C. Henderson
- Text editor wanted [EVE]
Mark C. Henderson
- Restoring deleted files
Greg Hennessy
- POSIX bashing
Jeff Hollingsworth
- Compressed Backups
David Hoopes
- using adb on the kernel
David Hoopes
- Bugginess in /etc/printcap and gethostname
Clyde W. Hoover
- WANTED: Readable manual page file names
Ernest Hua
- SECURITY Concerns for Unix systems
David J. Hughes
- readline bashing (was POSIX bashing)
Andrew Hume
- X windows for PC
Asad Husain
- ftp timeout modified ?
Olivier Bourdon - Sun ICNC
- Kernel variables access
Olivier Bourdon - Sun ICNC
- How can you tell who has what files open?
John F Haugh II
- comp_t fields (was: Re: ccpu)
John F Haugh II
- new password idea
John F Haugh II
- Hacking
Rodney Peck II
- rz55 parameters
Yedidya Israel
- un-attended backups to exabyte
Yedidya Israel
- unsubscribe
Emby J
System Janitor
- patches?
George Jefferson
- Can a command be stuffed into History?
J|rgen Jensen
- Is it possible to hide process args from 'ps -ef'??
Jesse R. Buckley, Jr.
- new password idea
Jesse R. Buckley, Jr.
- POSIX bashing
Root Boy Jim
- POSIX bashing
Root Boy Jim
- usleep by poll()
Root Boy Jim
- patches?
Root Boy Jim
- nn by Kim F. Storm
Root Boy Jim
- usleep by poll()
Root Boy Jim
- Ware Ware Wizardjin
Root Boy Jim
- X sucks (was: Re: Ware Ware Wizardjin)
Root Boy Jim
- X sucks (was: Re: Ware Ware Wizardjin)
Root Boy Jim
- X is/isn't faulty (was Ware Ware Wizardjin)
Root Boy Jim
- Ware Ware Wizardjin ...
Root Boy Jim
- POSIX bashing
Root Boy Jim
- Hardware flow control for TTY ports under V.3
Root Boy Jim
- POSIX bashing
Root Boy Jim
- POSIX bashing
Root Boy Jim
- How big is BUFSIZ on your system?
Root Boy Jim
- POSIX bashing
Root Boy Jim
- ctrl-P
Root Boy Jim
- ctrl-P
Root Boy Jim
- Is it possible to hide process args from 'ps -ef'?? (Recap)
Root Boy Jim
- X11 bashing
Root Boy Jim
- need advice on IBM UNIX
Root Boy Jim
- determining if DCE device is ready
Root Boy Jim
- emacs
Root Boy Jim
- Dual Universes
Root Boy Jim
- Sending Signals to Zombies
Root Boy Jim
- Load Averages on Multiprocessors
Root Boy Jim
- Terminal bashing (Re: POSIX bashing)
Root Boy Jim
- System V, B0, and DTR.
Root Boy Jim
- UNIX-WIZARDS Digest V12#071
Arthur W. Protin Jr.
- UNIX-WIZARDS Digest V12#079
Arthur W. Protin Jr.
- unix undelete ?????
Arthur W. Protin Jr.
- dup2 on Sys5r2 ish box
Brandon S. Allbery KB8JRR/AA
- X sucks (was: Re: Ware Ware Wizardjin)
Brandon S. Allbery KB8JRR/AA
- POSIX bashing (actually cooked vs raw or cbreak mode)
Brandon S. Allbery KB8JRR/AA
- POSIX bashing
Brandon S. Allbery KB8JRR/AA
- X sucks (was: Re: Ware Ware Wizardjin)
Brandon S. Allbery KB8JRR/AA
- Window system bashing (was Re: X11 bashing)
Brandon S. Allbery KB8JRR/AA
- Window system bashing (was Re: X11 bashing)
Brandon S. Allbery KB8JRR/AA
- dup2() system call
Brandon S. Allbery KB8JRR/AA
- Is it possible to hide process args from 'ps -ef'?? (Recap)
Brandon S. Allbery KB8JRR/AA
- Is it possible to hide process args from 'ps -ef'?? (Recap)
Brandon S. Allbery KB8JRR/AA
- Is it possible to hide process args from 'ps -ef'?? (Recap)
Brandon S. Allbery KB8JRR/AA
- Is it possible to hide process args from 'ps -ef'?? (Recap)
Brandon S. Allbery KB8JRR/AA
- Is it possible to hide process args from 'ps -ef'?? (Recap)
Brandon S. Allbery KB8JRR/AA
- POSIX bashing
Jonathan I. Kamens
- umask for ordinary files in CSH
Jonathan I. Kamens
- Passing std in/out file descriptors between processes
Jonathan I. Kamens
- Hacking and "Amateurism"
Jonathan I. Kamens
- Passwords with control characters
Jonathan I. Kamens
- POSIX bashing (actually cooked vs raw or cbreak mode)
Jonathan I. Kamens
- anonymous ftp and /etc/passwd (was Re: WARNING!)
Jonathan I. Kamens
- mailing mail folders
Jonathan I. Kamens
- Window system bashing (was Re: X11 bashing)
Jonathan I. Kamens
- unix undelete ?????
Jonathan I. Kamens
- unix undelete ?????
Jonathan I. Kamens
- BSD tty security, part 3: How to Fix It
Jonathan I. Kamens
- daily on-line backups (was Re: unix undelete ?????)
Jonathan I. Kamens
- using adb on the kernel
Jonathan I. Kamens
- References to Streams applications
Michael Kandall
- POSIX bashing
Chuck Karish
- X sucks (was: Re: Ware Ware Wizardjin)
Chuck Karish
- lex and yacc help desired
Mike J. Kelly
- dosedit style command edit in UNIX?
Rick Kelly
- Ware Ware Wizardjin (was Re: readline bashing (was POSIX bashing))
Greg Kemnitz
- Ware Ware Wizardjin
Greg Kemnitz
- beware the hardware/software time warp
Greg Kemnitz
- X is/isn't faulty (was Ware Ware Wizardjin)
Michael Kenney
- X sucks (was: Re: Ware Ware Wizardjin)
Vivek Khera
- nn by Kim F. Storm
Mark Stephen Kidder
- THANK YOU ALL: Can a command be stuffed into History?
Jonathan King
- automounter for nfs under SCO unix ...
Martin Kirk
- Looking for a piece of code which sets IP level options
Katy T. Kislitzin
- Out of descriptors, out of luck?
Fletcher Kittredge
- Passwords with control characters
Ronnie Kon
- Passwords
David G. Koontz
- Kernel console messages and log(7).
David Dave Kraus
- Window system bashing (was Re: X11 bashing)
Eduardo Krell
- sendmail on SCO ODT + uucp
Robert A. Kukura
- Forwarding Mail But Keeping a Local Copy
W.L. Lance
- BSD tty security, part 3: How to Fix It
Peter Langston
- sgtty -> termio
Hr Iain Lea
- TIOCNOTTY ioctl under Sys5
Hr Iain Lea
- dup2 on Sys5r2 ish box
Hr Iain Lea
- Word-oriented GREP
Felix Lee
- BSD tty security, part 3: How to Fix It
Felix Lee
- BSD tty security, part 3: How to Fix It
Felix Lee
- Word-oriented GREP
Felix Lee
- Shared libraries (was Re: Window system bashing (was Re: X11 bashing))
Ken Lerman
- very slow tcp/ip under sco unix on a ps/2 ...
Jim Levie
- Need help with PC-Interface for RS-232 only
Harry A Levinson
- How to unify Unix386, MAC, DOS/Windows under one network?
Harry A Levinson
- Help! I think I screwed up. (/etc/issue)
Harry A Levinson
- X11 bashing
Braham Levy
- POSIX bashing
Donald Lewine
- How big is BUFSIZ on your system?
Chris Lewis
- Hardware flow control for TTY ports under V.3
Chris Lewis
- Interesting bug in compress on 88000 Systems
Chris Lewis
- Is it possible to hide process args from 'ps -ef'??
Chris Lewis
- UNIX v7 calling sched()
Chris Lewis
- i/o monitor
Henry Liao
- usleep by poll()
Don Libes
- usleep by poll()
Don Libes
- Terminal bashing (Re: POSIX bashing)
Don Libes
- Hacking and "Amateurism"
Warner Losh
- Hacking and "Amateurism"
John Lupien
- UNIX v7 calling sched()
Scott Lurndal
- Shared libraries: what functions are dynamically linked in?
Scott Lurndal
- Free X based C debugger (was readline bashing)
- X sucks (was: Re: Ware Ware Wizardjin)
Dave Mack
- terminal settings and stuff...
Shannon R. Madsen
- uuxqt problem (was Re: TZ/rmail problems again)
Jeff Mann
- BSD counterpart to SYSVR4 "dfshares"
Barry Margolin
- Reading screen I/O from a remote terminal
Bob Marley
- usleep by poll()
Andrew H. Marrinson
- fsdb: where to learn something about it?
Alex Martelli
- Hardware flow control for TTY ports under V.3
Chris Martinus
- dup2() system call
Richard M. Mathews
- Sending Signals to Zombies
Richard M. Mathews
- Dual Universes
Richard M. Mathews
- Shared libraries (was Re: Window system bashing (was Re: X11 bashing))
Frank Mayhar
- History - Re: dosedit style command edit in UNIX?
Brett McCoy
- network backup in a heterogeneous environment
Duncan McEwan
- Would somebody please explain?
Henry McGilton
- BSD tty security, part 3: How to Fix It
Rob McMahon
- Anyone have diffs to make MGR work on SPARC?
Larry McVoy
- How big is BUFSIZ on your system?
Larry McVoy
- X sucks (was: Re: Ware Ware Wizardjin)
Larry McVoy
- unix undelete ?????
Larry McVoy
- BSD tty security, part 3: How to Fix It
Larry McVoy
Michael Meissner
- POSIX bashing
Michael Meissner
- BSD tty security, part 3: How to Fix It
Perry E. Metzger
- X sucks (was: Re: Ware Ware Wizardjin)
Guy Middleton
- How big is BUFSIZ on your system?
Guy Middleton
- System V, B0, and DTR.
Leslie Mikesell
- new password idea
Leslie Mikesell
- Getting status of DCE device from a DTE device
Leslie Mikesell
- UNIX v7 calling sched()
George Miler
- need advice on IBM UNIX
Madison MadMan Miles
- Looking for code for Western Digital 33c93 SCSI chip
Ronald G Minnich
- How to make kernel calls to SCO XENIX System V?
Bruce A. Mitchell
- awk
Hal Moroff
- Ware Ware Wizardjin
der Mouse
- X is/isn't faulty (was Ware Ware Wizardjin)
der Mouse
der Mouse
- POSIX bashing
der Mouse
- some questions
Richard Murphy
Richard Murphy
- New Login: need crypt
Nachiappan Muthu
- new password idea
Mike Muuss
- Hardware flow control for TTY ports under V.3
Paul Nash
- new password idea
Rob J. Nauta
- SECURITY Concerns for Unix systems
John 'tms' Navarra
- Is it possible to hide process args from 'ps -ef'?? (Recap)
John 'tms' Navarra
- Is it possible to hide process args from 'ps -ef'?? (Recap)
John 'tms' Navarra
- BSD tty security, part 3: How to Fix It
John 'tms' Navarra
- unix undelete ?????
John 'tms' Navarra
- Hacking
Tom Neff
- UNIX v7 calling sched()
Marco Negri
- Hacking
Wailin' Through The Nets
- texinfo - what is it?
Paul Nevai
- International Obfuscated C Code Contest Archive + Rules
Landon C. Noll
- repost 1991 C contest rules - contest ends 16-May-91 0:00 UTC
Landon C. Noll
- DEUNA tcp/ip-driver for Unix V7.
Harald Nordg}rd-Hansen
Mike O'Connor
- Thin wire or twisted pair?
John M. O'Shaughnessy
- Window system bashing (was Re: X11 bashing)
Masataka Ohta
- Shared libraries (was Re: Window system bashing (was Re: X11 bashing))
Masataka Ohta
- Shared libraries (was Re: Window system bashing (was Re: X11 bashing))
Masataka Ohta
- Shared libraries (was Re: Window system bashing (was Re: X11 bashing))
Masataka Ohta
- Shared libraries (was Re: Window system bashing (was Re: X11 bashing))
Masataka Ohta
- Shared libraries (was Re: Window system bashing (was Re: X11 bashing))
Masataka Ohta
Magnus Olsson
- dosedit style command edit in UNIX?
Magnus Olsson
- Hardware flow control for TTY ports under V.3
Greg Onufer
- AWK, while (getline ) question
John F. Ormonde
- AWK, while (getline ) question
John F. Ormonde
- readline bashing (was POSIX bashing)
Joshua Osborne
- X costs (was X sucks)
Joshua Osborne
- POSIX bashing
Chris Ott
- UNIX Security and Monitoring
Bill Pataky
- Some SMAIL questions - SunOS 4.1 and sendmail
Rich Patterson
- How do I ... (NOT a FAQ)
Michael Pechner
- SVR4: smtpqer, and remote printer configuation problems... HELP!!
Israel Pinkas
- Rot13
Juan Gabriel Ruiz Pinto
- Help needed for window operations using Common Lisp under X-windows
Yusuf Pisan
- BSD tty security, part 3: How to Fix It
Jef Poskanzer
- new password idea
Jeff Poulin
- X11 bashing
Scott E. Preece
- YIKES! Uucp broke! HELP!
Robert Raisch
- YIKES! Uucp broke! HELP!
Robert Raisch
- Controlling Updates via DNS SOA records
Dave Rajnauth
- readline bashing (was POSIX bashing)
Marcus J. Ranum
- readline bashing (was POSIX bashing)
Marcus J. Ranum
- readline bashing (was POSIX bashing)
Marcus J. Ranum
- Ware Ware Wizardjin ...
Marcus J. Ranum
- UNIX-like, or profitable?
Marcus J. Ranum
- X sucks (was: Re: Ware Ware Wizardjin)
Marcus J. Ranum
- X sucks (was: Re: Ware Ware Wizardjin)
Marcus J. Ranum
- X11 bashing
Marcus J. Ranum
- network backup in a heterogeneous environment
Marcus J. Ranum
- Is it possible to hide process args from 'ps -ef'??
Helge Egelund Rasmussen
- Is it possible to hide process args from 'ps -ef'?? (Recap)
Helge Egelund Rasmussen
- need advice on IBM UNIX
Ed Ravin
- All those windows, all that hitech (was POSIX bashing)
Ed Ravin
- Ware Ware Wizardjin
Anshuman Razdan
- Ware Ware Wizardjin
Tom Reingold
- umask for ordinary files in CSH
Tom Reingold
- lex and yacc help desired
Tony Rems
- BSD tty security, part 3: How to Fix It
Chris Rende
- Passwords
David "Chip" Reynolds
- Token Passwords (was Re: Passwords)
David "Chip" Reynolds
- readline bashing (was POSIX bashing)
Steve Rezsutek
- Hacking and "Amateurism"
Joachim Richter
- DON'T USE 'FU/usr/lib/uucp/L.sys' in sendmail.cf
Neil Rickert
- Passwords
Neil Rickert
Neil Rickert
- Would somebody please explain?
Neil Rickert
- BSD tty security, part 3: How to Fix It
Neil Rickert
- Thin wire or twisted pair?
Doug Robb
- unix undelete ?????
Raul Rockwell
- Hacking
Phil Ronzone
- Sun shared libraries and ANSI C
Mark Rosenthal
- Clarification - Sun shared libraries and ANSI C
Mark Rosenthal
- A survey for sys admins
Rita Rouvalis
- X sucks (was: Re: Ware Ware Wizardjin)
Shannon Bushman - Sun SVN SE
- POSIX bashing
Chip Salzenberg
- SCO UNIX bashing
Chip Salzenberg
- Thin wire or twisted pair?
Dominick Samperi
- Streams line disciplines (was POSIX bashing, cooked vs raw or cbreak mode)
DaviD W. Sanderson
- Which current DEC systems does 4.3BSD run on?
Dan Schlitt
- dosedit style command edit in UNIX?
Dick Schlotfeldt
- Summary: dosedit style command edit in UNIX
Dick Schlotfeldt
- TCP benchmarking
Vernon Schryver
- Let's make xterm bigger!
Scott Schwartz
- Hacking
Doug Schwartz;685-2700;61-252;Baldwin
- Passing std in/out file descriptors between processes
Steve Scott
- UNIX-WIZARDS Digest V12#073
Mark Sentell
- A UNIX question....
Piyush B. Sevalia
- A UNIX question
Piyush B. Sevalia
- POSIX bashing
Bakul Shah
- readline bashing (was POSIX bashing)
Barry Shein
- X sucks (was: Re: Ware Ware Wizardjin)
Barry Shein
- Passwords
Barry Shein
- Shared libraries (was Re: Window system bashing (was Re: X11 bashing))
Barry Shein
- (none)
Andy Sherman
- X sucks (was: Re: Ware Ware Wizardjin)
Andy Sherman
- Dual Universes
Andy Sherman
- Password grinding (Was: Hacking)
Pete Shipley
- Ware Ware Wizardjin ...
Anthony Shipman
- ctrl-P
Melinda Shore
- some questions
Ashmeet S Sidana
- Passwords
Ashmeet S Sidana
- new password idea
Ashmeet S Sidana
- POSIX bashing
Chris Siebenmann
- POSIX bashing (readline bashing)
Chris Siebenmann
- POSIX bashing
Chris Siebenmann
- POSIX bashing
Chris Siebenmann
- X sucks (was: Re: Ware Ware Wizardjin)
Chris Siebenmann
- Shared libraries (was Re: Window system bashing (was Re: X11 bashing))
Chris Siebenmann
- System V, B0, and DTR.
Peter da Silva
- Would somebody please explain?
Peter da Silva
- System V, B0, and DTR.
Peter da Silva
- Terminal bashing (Re: POSIX bashing)
Peter da Silva
- Out of descriptors, out of luck?
R. David Singh
- network backup in a heterogeneous environment
Vince Skahan
- Pointers in Shared Memory
Clifford C. Skolnick
- 5 microsecond delays in device driver - how?
Paul Slootman
- How big is BUFSIZ on your system?
Paul Slootman
- new password idea
Jeff Smith
- ATT3B2 ulimit
Mark Smith
- some SLIP questions
Philip Smith
- Thin wire or twisted pair?
Henry Spencer
- Would somebody please explain?
Cliff Stanford
- DON'T USE 'FU/usr/lib/uucp/L.sys' in sendmail.cf
Stefan Stapelberg
- dosedit style command edit in UNIX?
Thomas R. Statnick
- ccpu
Thomas R. Statnick
- Load Averages on Multiprocessors
Thomas R. Statnick
- Ware Ware Wizardjin ...
Michael Stefanik
- POSIX bashing
Michael Stefanik
- Out of descriptors, out of luck?
Michael Stefanik
- BSD counterpart to SYSVR4 "dfshares"
Paul J Stewart
- SUN unix performance tests anyone?
Kean Stump
- Is it possible to hide process args from 'ps -ef'?? (Recap)
Kartik Subbarao
- Is it possible to hide process args from 'ps -ef'?? (Recap)
Kartik Subbarao
- Is it possible to hide process args from 'ps -ef'?? (Recap)
Kartik Subbarao
- BSD tty security, part 4: What You Can Look Forward To
Kartik Subbarao
- Inode Reference Count
Krishna Sudarshan
- Out of descriptors, out of luck?
Mike "The Claw" Sullivan
- X sucks (was: Re: Ware Ware Wizardjin)
Max Tardiveau
- X sucks (was: Re: Ware Ware Wizardjin)
Max Tardiveau
Max Tardiveau
- What C programming tools do you use?
Dave Taylor
- System V Release 4 (SVR4)
Mildred Taylor
Stefan Tex
- TCP benchmarking
Neil Todd
- Shared libraries (was Re: Window system bashing (was Re: X11 bashing))
Richard Todd
- Is it possible to hide process args from 'ps -ef'?? (Recap)
Richard Todd
- usleep by poll()
Chris Torek
- ctrl-P
Chris Torek
- automounter for nfs under SCO unix ...
Minh Tran-Le
- very slow tcp/ip under sco unix on a ps/2 ...
Minh Tran-Le
- POSIX spec: where can I get one ?
Minh Tran-Le
- Terminal bashing (Re: POSIX bashing)
Dave Tutelman
- ccpu
Bruno Vandenborre
- Can a command be stuffed into History?
Bruce Varney
- Text editor wanted
Bruce Varney
- dosedit style command edit in UNIX?
Bruce Varney
- Compressed Backups
Bill Vermillion
- vme bus
Nick Visic
- domain query subroutine res_search
Jack F. Vogel
- unix undelete ?????
Marc Wachowitz
- unix undelete ?????
Marc Wachowitz
- lex and yacc help desired
Allen Wade
- POSIX bashing (actually cooked vs raw or cbreak mode)
Martin Weitzel
- Passwords with control characters
Martin Weitzel
- POSIX bashing
Martin Weitzel
- new password idea
Martin Weitzel
- Dual Universes
Martin Weitzel
- unix undelete ?????
Martin Weitzel
- domain query subroutine res_search
Mark Whetzel
- How big is BUFSIZ on your system?
Dik T. Winter
- POSIX bashing
The Grey Wolf
- Hacking
Mitch Wright
- new password idea
Mitch Wright
- TIOCEXCL and recovering from it.
Sean Sheridan Coleman X5672
- determining if DCE device is ready
Sean Sheridan Coleman X5672
- Getting status of DCE device from a DTE device
Sean Sheridan Coleman X5672
- POSIX bashing (readline bashing)
Curtis Yarvin
- POSIX bashing
Curtis Yarvin
Curtis Yarvin
- Ware Ware Wizardjin
Curtis Yarvin
- POSIX bashing
Curtis Yarvin
- X sucks (was: Re: Ware Ware Wizardjin)
Curtis Yarvin
- POSIX bashing
Curtis Yarvin
- Shared libraries (was Re: Window system bashing (was Re: X11 bashing))
Curtis Yarvin
- Ware Ware Wizardjin
Norman Yarvin
- POSIX bashing
Ozan Yigit
- unix undelete ????? (bsd ffs inode zeroing q.)
Rayan Zachariassen
- Pointers in Shared Memory
- Is it possible to hide process args from 'ps -ef'??
- Terminal bashing (Re: POSIX bashing)
charles bridgeland
- HELP -- Need Korn Shell for Sun 3 Release 4.1
dxg at cai.com
- sockets
paolo ciancarini
- Shared libraries
Jeff d'Arcy
- History - Re: dosedit style command edit in UNIX?
Bill Stewart 908-949-0705 erebus.att.com!wcs
- Ware Ware Wizardjin
Bill Stewart 908-949-0705 erebus.att.com!wcs
- article. (unix security)
TAKURATI at grad.cis.temple.edu
- readline bashing (was POSIX bashing)
Ken Seefried iii
- UNIX v7 calling sched()
Ken Seefried iii
- X sucks (was: Re: Ware Ware Wizardjin)
Ken Seefried iii
- Shared libraries: what functions are dynamically linked in?
- awk problem
- out of swap space?
- Shared libraries: what functions are dynamically linked in?
- uudecode in msdos
chen yi kao
- Is it possible to hide process args from 'ps -ef'??
xtdn at levels.sait.edu.au
- ccpu
xtdn at levels.sait.edu.au
- Would somebody please explain?
xtdn at levels.sait.edu.au
- ccpu
xtdn at levels.sait.edu.au
- Word-oriented GREP
kevin lyda
- BSD tty security, part 3: How to Fix It
kevin lyda
- troff to PostScript Converter
cnh5730 at maraba.tamu.edu
- Text editor wanted
cnh5730 at maraba.tamu.edu
- All those windows, all that hitech (was POSIX bashing)
neal at mnopltd.UUCP
- taring filenames>100 char?
Christoph Uloth - operator
- Shared libraries: what functions are dynamically linked in?
pefv700 at perv.pe.utexas.edu
- Shared libraries: what functions are dynamically linked in?
pefv700 at perv.pe.utexas.edu
- (none)
- (none)
JRAMSDEN%wl7.prime.com at relay.cs.net
- (none)
JRAMSDEN%wl7.prime.com at relay.cs.net
- UNIX tape duplicator request
JTUCKER%cs-den.prime.com at relay.cs.net
- some questions
MASSON%fr-bur.prime.com at relay.cs.net
- awk problem
- awk problem
- Term settings in the Kernel, or what?
root at next1
- X sucks (was: Re: Ware Ware Wizardjin)
klaus u schallhorn
- (none)
unix-wizards-request at sem.brl.mil
- (none)
unix-wizards-request at sem.brl.mil
- (none)
unix-wizards-request at sem.brl.mil
- readline bashing (was POSIX bashing)
vandys at sequent.com
- POSIX bashing
peter da silva
- X sucks (was: Re: Ware Ware Wizardjin)
peter da silva
- Terminal bashing (Re: POSIX bashing)
peter da silva
- emacs
dgilbert at snowhite.cis.uoguelph.ca
- Pointers in Shared Memory
flibedin at taurus.BITNET
attcan!vpk1!john at uunet.uu.net
- BSD tty security, part 3: How to Fix It
cadp01 at vaxa.strath.ac.uk
- lex and yacc help desired
allen wade
- Distributed or centralized mail configuration?
Haim Shvaytser x2085
- UNIX Security and Monitoring
neal e meyer x2257
- X sucks (was: Re: Ware Ware Wizardjin)
Steven J. Dovich; x272
- I/O error in /dev/ttyp0
Back young-joon
Last message date:
Tue Apr 30 22:10:17 AEST 1991
Archived on: Mon Feb 1 19:51:31 AEST 2016
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).