Help! There's a slash '/' in my filename.

Tom Christiansen tchrist at convex.COM
Wed Feb 6 05:13:24 AEST 1991

>From the keyboard of murray at motto.UUCP (Murray S. Kucherawy):
:Actually, I had a file called "-l" this morning, which obviously doesn't
:work with "rm".  

    $ rm ./-l

This is in the FAQ.  This isn't wizardly talk.  Sigh.

"Still waiting to read using DBWM, Dan's own AI window 
manager, which argues with you for 10 weeks before resizing your window." 
### And now for the question of the month:  How do you spell relief?   Answer:
U=brnstnd at; echo "/From: $U/h:j" >>~/News/KILL; expire -f $U

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