Appelying quota limits to a running process (login)

Amos Shapira amoss at SHUM.HUJI.AC.IL
Thu Feb 21 00:28:19 AEST 1991


I'm tweaking 4.3Tahoe login to run on sun (to add some local features) and
noticed that there is no equivalent to the "quota(Q_SETUID)" call from
the 4.3Tahoe on the sun.

The question is simple: Do I have to worry about this at all (i.e. the system
will calculate the process's quota according to the new uid I set) or should
I do something to tell the system "now apply this users' quota on me (the login

Please e-mail copies of replys to me directly.

Thanks in advance,

Amos Shapira
CS System Group
Hebrew University
Jerusalem, Israel
amoss at

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