Filename Completion for Xenix
Seng-Poh Lee, Speedy
splee at
Sun Apr 21 01:44:37 AEST 1991
In article <1991Apr18.044912.5848 at sugra.uucp> ken at sugra.uucp (Kenneth Ng) writes:
>I have been trying to get Bash to work under SCO Xenix for several weeks
>now (off and on). Got a list of the changes that need to be made?
Well, the version I now run is unreleased 1.07 and I run it under Xenix 386.
The fixes were actually done by a friend of mine and I haven't actually done
a diff. I'm not sure if I want to put up the diffs until 1.07 is officially
released. If you want, I can mail you the binary (~220K). E-mail me if
you want to go that way.
If you want to have a shot at it yourself, the changes mainly involve the
make file and some defines.
Seng-Poh Lee
splee at
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