Everex Tapes vs Xenix
Jack F. Vogel
jack at turnkey.TCC.COM
Fri Apr 15 06:22:41 AEST 1988
In article <10383 at steinmetz.ge.com> davidsen at crdos1.UUCP (bill davidsen) writes:
> I have heard this claim before, and I would love to have a tape on my
>system. Unfortunately no one will tell me the make, model, or part
>number on the controller! I have called three Archive dealers, all
>disclaimed knowing what kind of controller was needed, but "it works
>real well with Xenix."
The controller you want is called the SC499 tape controller from
Archive. You should not have been surprised that the dealers didn't know
afterall when do they ever :-}. The SCO release notes also talk about a
SC400 but the 499 is what we have and I guarantee it works out of the
One thing to be careful of, Archive is now shipping a new half
length controller (the 499 is full length), I do not know what they call
it. Be forwarned, it DOES NOT work with the present Xenix drivers. In
fact Archive even knew it didn't. I had a client who got a drive with one
and it worked under DOS but not Xenix. Make sure you get the older full
length 499. You might want to contact Archive directly. Otherwise send
me some mail because there is a distributor here in Orange County that
sells both internal and external versions.
Best of luck,
Jack F. Vogel
Turnkey Computer Consultants, Costa Mesa, CA
UUCP: ...{nosc|uunet}!turnkey!jack
Internet: jack at turnkey.TCC.COM
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