Everex Tapes vs Xenix
William E. Davidsen Jr
davidsen at steinmetz.ge.com
Tue Apr 19 03:21:57 AEST 1988
In article <178 at turnkey.TCC.COM> jack at turnkey.TCC.COM (Jack F. Vogel) writes:
| In article <10383 at steinmetz.ge.com> I write:
| >
| > I have heard this claim before, and I would love to have a tape on my
| >system. Unfortunately no one will tell me the make, model, or part
| >number on the controller! I have called three Archive dealers, all
| >disclaimed knowing what kind of controller was needed, but "it works
| >real well with Xenix."
| Bill,
| The controller you want is called the SC499 tape controller from
| Archive. You should not have been surprised that the dealers didn't know
| afterall when do they ever :-}. The SCO release notes also talk about a
| SC400 but the 499 is what we have and I guarantee it works out of the
| box!
I played it safe and ordered the SC400 version. I would like to thank
you, and all the other people who responded to this. I will certainly
post my results when I get the drive installed, if only to say "it
Although SCO didn't help on the phone, I did get info by Email from
two people there. I guess they have a staffing problem with qualified
people answering the phone. Thanks, guys.
bill davidsen (wedu at ge-crd.arpa)
{uunet | philabs | seismo}!steinmetz!crdos1!davidsen
"Stupidity, like virtue, is its own reward" -me
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