sco xenix --> sco unix
Ed Hew
edhew at egvideo.UUCP
Fri Jun 2 14:00:00 AEST 1989
In article <3052 at gaboon.UUCP> asv at gaboon.UUCP (Stan Voket) writes:
>I'm a bit hazy on the above subject. Will there be an upgrade path
>fron SCO xenix 386 to sco unix or will those interested need to purchase
>another product?
Don't take my word as gospel, please, but I have it from SCO marketing
that the answer is "yes, there will be an upgrade path shortly after
the (UNIX) product is released." Specific cost to be established.
>| - Stan Voket, asv at gaboon Land Line: (203) 746-4489 TELEX 4996516 - |
--ed {edhew at egvideo.uucp}
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