Telebit T1000 problems
neal at mnopltd.UUCP
neal at mnopltd.UUCP
Fri Aug 17 13:19:31 AEST 1990
->As quoted from <102 at mnopltd.UUCP> by neal at mnopltd.UUCP:
->| ->I am having a problem getting a T1000 Telebit to connect properly with
->| ->a Trailblazer Plus over standard telephone lines.
->| -> ....dialTBIT has never worked, and the TB+ is
->| ->run from Dialers and nvram:
->| I just know I going to get stomped on for this but, why haven't you used the
->| dialTBIT? Did it need to get compiled?
->Not from me, another T1000 Telebit user. I've already "email"ed a reply,
->very similiar to yours, but did note one thing that I found *very* impor-
->SCO's dialTBIT script is for the "Trailblazer" and uses S registers that
->are not known to the T1000, viz., the "S111= " register (about file com-
->pression) does not appear on the T1000. I had to comment those references
->in the setup and in the script itself or I would run into "mucho" problems.
Thanks for the warning, but I just looked at the manual for the T1000 and it
does show S111... perhaps you mean s110? I do notice that it is not in the
manual although the rev 1.3 dialTBIT.c does try to set it. I also notice
that it appears to be unsettable in the T1000, eg:
Neal Rhodes MNOP Ltd (404)- 972-5430
President Lilburn (atlanta) GA 30247 Fax: 978-4741
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