"set" question for Bourne shell scripts

Dwight Ernest dwight at timeb.UUCP
Thu Feb 14 11:51:05 AEST 1985

> The Bourne shell allows you to set the positional parameters with:
> 	set a b c d e
> Now, my question is, how do you remove all parameters, i.e. set $# to 0?

Try 'unset *'. Should work.
		--Dwight Ernest	KA2CNN	\ Usenet:...vax135!timeinc!dwight
		Time Inc. Editorial Technology Group, New York City
		Voice: (212) 554-5061 \ Compuserve: 70210,523

"The opinions expressed above are those of the writer and do not necessarily
 reflect the opinions of Time Incorporated."

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