"set" question for Bourne shell scripts

Ken Turkowski ken at turtlevax.UUCP
Wed Feb 13 09:26:40 AEST 1985

The Bourne shell allows you to set the positional parameters with:
	set a b c d e
so that 
	$1 yields a
	$2 yields b
	$3 yields c
	$4 yields d
	$5 yields e
	$# yields 5
regardless of the parameters given to the shell script on the command line.

Now, my question is, how do you remove all parameters, i.e. set $# to 0?
If you just say
you get a listing of all of the shell variables and their values.

Ken Turkowski @ CADLINC, Menlo Park, CA
UUCP: {amd,decwrl,nsc,seismo,spar}!turtlevax!ken
ARPA: turtlevax!ken at DECWRL.ARPA

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