ISO a sophisticated, reasonably priced accting system

The Sophist phaedrus at eneevax.UUCP
Sat Feb 23 06:27:29 AEST 1985

We are in search of the impossible.  This is probably self-evident from
the subject line. What we need is an accounting system for a Pyramid 90X;
running 4.2 BSD.  This accounting system should able to keep track of
many, many variables.  Things like connect time, cpu time, the amount of
times a particular job (like troff or TeX) was executed, the amount of
disk space used etc.  I mean that it should be able to keep track of all
this stuff for *each* user.

I realize that this is kind of thing probably doesn't exist, but if there is
anything even remotely resembles this, we would like to know about it.  Any
information will be appreciated.

If you want to sell us a product, please call Mr. Eugene Day at:
or you can write to him at:
	eugene!eneevax at maryland (ARPA)
	{seismo, allegra, brl-bmd}!umcp-cs!eneevax!eugene (UUCP)

If you want to inform us about a product that you have heard about, or
have used, then please write to me (pravin kumar) (and/or Mr. Day).  My
address is listed below. 

Thank you very much.

			Pravin Kumar

Don't bother me! I'm on an emergency third rail power trip.

ARPA:   phaedrus!eneevax at maryland
UUCP:   {seismo,allegra,brl-bmd}!umcp-cs!eneevax!phaedrus

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