Info-Kermit Digest V2 #1 -- New Unix Kermit

Hans Albertsson hans at log-hb.UUCP
Sun Feb 10 04:19:07 AEST 1985

Sorry for posting rather than mailing, but the return address contains
brl-tgr, meaning NO mail from Europe ever makes it there... No Idea Why, can
someone at seismo look int that problem?

However, down to business; The okstate uucp connection CAN'T be run from out
of Europe ( slightly incompatible modems, or bad lines, or... ), but
nonetheless, we'd like to have C-kermit too. Could somebody at okstate mail
it to me, at ....mcvax!enea!log-hb!hans, and then I could let people have it
all by uucp or mail, or maybe place it at the local KERMIT distributors'
facilities ( They're QZ, at Stockholm University. ).

That is, unless you'd be willing to post.
Hans Albertsson, USENET/uucp: {decvax,philabs}!mcvax!enea!log-hb!hans
Real World:  TeleLOGIC AB, Box 1001, S-14901 Nynashamn,SWEDEN

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