Long Address Paths

jon jon
Mon Dec 13 20:31:34 AEST 1982

>From "long address paths", linus!smk, net.bugs:linus.317:

	    In a recent article on the net, it was shown that
    some paths between systems are 16 long.  Given the full 7 char
    machine names (although some names can be longer, but only the first
    7 are significant [8 for news]), added to the name (8 letters)
    this is 136 characters.  MAXFULLNAME in uucp is defined as 100.
    This is inadequate and caused out uuxqt to fail on processesing
    mail from a remote site that was to be forwarded.  Making
    in uucp.h will take care of this.  Obviously, the net has grown
    past the expectations of the original developers of uucp.

Uucp is not the only program affected.  The usenet collection of
programs also fail on long "from lines".  BUFLEN in defs.h should
also be made larger.

This really should be done on future distributions.  The cause
of the problems created by a too-small BUFSIZ is not easily
determined right off (array-bound problems are messy)
and individual sites shouldn't have to figure 
it out from scratch when it hits them.  And with the net growing
as it is, this will eventually effect a lot of sites.

-jonathan hahn
...!ucbvax!atd!avsdT:jon	(out in the boon-docks)

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