Bug in 5.3 Rogue ...

laman at sdcsvax.UUCP laman at sdcsvax.UUCP
Sun Dec 11 06:11:30 AEST 1983

I was in a room like so:

|  @             |
|                |

I had three potions (two levitation and one hallucination) that I wanted to
get rid of before exiting the room.  So I threw two of the to the left,
and I got the appropriate message.  But when I threw the third one to the
left, I got a message saying that a "long sword" disappeared as it hit the
ground (not a direct quote, but you know what I mean).  WHAT!?  I paniced for
a bit, but all three potions were gone.  I would have wielded a long sword,
and when I check my pack I also saw that I wielding my mace.  I'm fully
convinced, it's a bug.  The message said the wrong object.  I remember someone
posting a bug about something similar, but I don't remember enough to say
if that would cover it.  It was understandable that the potion would
"disappear" since the first two we both against the wall, and thus took up
all the "available space" by that wall.

(That message sure did wake me up).

			Mike Laman
			UUCP: {ucbvax,philabs,sdccsu3,sdcsla}!sdcsvax!laman

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