Bug in 5.3 Rogue ...

robison at eosp1.UUCP robison at eosp1.UUCP
Tue Dec 13 14:45:19 AEST 1983

Obviously, the IDnumber of a long sword (among weapons) is the
same as the ID number of your potion (among potions).  The subroutine
that tells you a projectile has disappeared expects to get the ID of a
(One of the outstanding weaknesses of Rogue is the way it allows you to
use anything as a weapon, but the software is really not worked out
for non-weapon combat).

You know what, I now realize that I can identify potions without
drinking them;  all I have to do is throw them away, after I develop
a table correlating potion and weapon numbers.

				- Keremath,  care of:
				  or:   allegra!eosp1

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