*wildcard* newsgroup search fails me

James E. Ormond jameso at tekigm.UUCP
Wed May 30 04:20:50 AEST 1984

	I need some help.

	Being a rather new user on the system, I thought I would
	peruse the network news facility to see what groups there
	are out there.  To do this I said:

		vnews -n net

	and happily started through a wildcard search of net.{whatever}
	news.  When I came across net.games.trivia and gave the ol' N
	command to vnews to find the next group, I was sent off into 

	The same thing seems to happen with readnews.  Is there some way
	around this problem, or is there another way of finding out what
	groups are available to get news from?

	Thanks in advance,

	Jim Ormond, Tektronix, Inc.
	(jameso at tekigm  -  I think)

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