how to unscrew yourself after vnews core dumps

Rsk the Wombat ab3 at stat-l
Thu May 31 03:04:06 AEST 1984

	Checking back in the dusty directories of past abuse, I find the
following script:

strings core | egrep "^((fa)|(general)|(junk)|(net)|(test)|(to)).*[:!] [0-9]*"

	This does a fair job of recovering your .newsrc; to check on how well
it did, pipe its output through sort(1) and diff it with the output of
"sort ~/.newsrc".
Rsk the Wombat
UUCP: { allegra, decvax, ihnp4, harpo, teklabs, ucbvax } !pur-ee!rsk
      { cornell, eagle, hplabs, ittvax, lanl-a, ncrday } !purdue!rsk

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