vnews core-dumps

"Jonathon Luers" 97320 jhl at tty3b.UUCP
Tue Nov 13 01:56:53 AEST 1984

[Is this necessary?]

I hope this is the right group for netnews bug reports....

I stumbled across the following bug with vnews on a 3B20S
running UNIX System V (not Release 2); I think our news is
version 2.10.1 (?).  Halfway through a long article, with
the more? prompt, I typed N, got the group? prompt, then
decided I didn't want a different group, so I hit DEL, got
more? again; then I hit the space bar and after a second
got the message "Bus error - core dumped".
Has anyone else seen this?

Jon Luers
AT&T Teletype Corp.

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