A new problem with vi

naiman at pegasus.UUCP naiman at pegasus.UUCP
Wed Nov 14 03:36:59 AEST 1984

<yum, yum>

I noticed a problem with vi which I haven't seen mentioned before.
I'm running System V release two on a 3B-20S, although I've seen the
problem with release one.  The version of vi is 3.9 2/9/83.

The problem occurs when you type <CTRL>^ to get to an alternate file
when there is no alternate file.  Vi will put the text from the last line
of your file on the line your cursor is sitting and will usually
not execute the undo command correctly.  I happened across this
when I had not type :n for the next file yet and typed <CTRL>^ to get
to it.  To repeat the bug input the following commands :

vi /tmp/some_file	# It has to be writable by you.
igarbage		# The i is to put you in input mode.
more garbage		# Make sure to press <RETURN> after this line
			# so your bottom line of text is empty.
<ESC>H<CTRL>^		# Go out of input mode, move to the top of
			# your file and try to go to the alternate file.

If you have the bug, a blank line should appear on the first line.
The bug is not in vi's open mode.

Any ideas ?

==> Ephrayim J. Naiman @ AT&T Information Systems Laboratories (201) 576-6259
Paths: [ihnp4, allegra, hogpc, maxvax, cbosgd, lzmi, ...]!pegasus!naiman

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