Creating a file in csh

David Herron, NPR Lover david at ukma.UUCP
Fri Apr 26 23:38:30 AEST 1985

In article <778 at sdcsvax.UUCP>, allyn at sdcsvax.UUCP (Allyn Fratkin) writes:
> What's wrong with "touch filename" ?

As the originator of this mess ... 

The problem with "touch filename" is that the file isn't gauranteed
to be empty.

The solution I like best came from Peter Honeyman,

     alias \> tee \!* \</dev/null 

(I think that's how it went.  It was that general idea anyway)

Now, don't y'all think this has gone on far enough?  We've had I don't
know how many postings to the net about this, not to mention hundreds
of personal responses.  All for a simple joke?  Not even for one with
lots of content.


--- David Herron
--- ARPA-> ukma!david<@ANL-MCS> or david%ukma.uucp at
---        Or even anlams!ukma!david at
--- UUCP-> {ucbvax,unmvax,boulder,oddjob}!anlams!ukma!david
---        cbosgd!ukma!david

	"The home of poly-unsaturated thinking".

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