Creating a file in csh, april fools, echo...

Kayvan Aghaiepour kayvan at ucbvax.ARPA
Mon Apr 29 14:05:03 AEST 1985

In article <124 at ukma.UUCP> david at ukma.UUCP (David Herron, NPR Lover) writes:
>As the originator of this mess ... 
>Now, don't y'all think this has gone on far enough?  We've had I don't
>know how many postings to the net about this, not to mention hundreds
>of personal responses.  All for a simple joke?  Not even for one with
>lots of content.
>--- David Herron

Well, that'll teach you to post anything like that again to the net!!
People just take everything too seriously. Try making /dev/null on your
machine a file, and then post something with the standard disclaimer
"send flames to /dev/null"... I wouldn't be surprised if you get a few
responses in your /dev/null file! :-> 


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