Creating :->file

John Chambers jc at mit-athena.UUCP
Fri Apr 26 07:16:05 AEST 1985

> Come on, the only real way to do it is:
> :-> file
>			Credit to: Jyrki Yli-Nokari
>			...mcvax!enea!tut!jty

No sooner said than done!  This struck me as a real good idea,
so I quit from readnews and typed:

  cat >:-.c
  main(){return 0;}
  cc -o :- :-.c

After a brief pause, I checked and found a garbage file called
"test", so I typed:

  ls -l *test

and it showed that "test" and "footest" both existed, and were
empty.  Thanks a lot for the idea for the new system utility!

The only problem is that, on Berkeley Unix, I can't rcp the source
file to another system.  The ':' in the name causes really bizzarre
behavior.  Oh well....


			John Chambers [...!decvax!mit-athena]

He who has made no mistakes has probably made nothing at all.

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