Bug in BSD's sh

Andrew Draskoy andrew at garfield.UUCP
Mon Apr 22 09:24:59 AEST 1985

I just ran into a bug in the 4.2bsd bourne shell.  It exists in 2.9bsd
as well, but not in SYSIII.

The continue command doesn't work as documented.  It seems to ignore
its argument if one is given.

I will post a formal bug report when I have time to hunt down the problem.
Andrew Draskoy
UUCP:	{akgua,allegra,cbosgd,ihnp4,mcvax,utcsri}!garfield!andrew
CDNNET:	andrew at garfield.mun.cdn
The opinions expressed above may not represent those of the author
after he has had some sleep.

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