more on echo command

H. Morrow Long [Systems Center] long at ittvax.UUCP
Tue Apr 16 10:30:34 AEST 1985

> While on the topic of "echo", it is remarkably hard to have a background
> process output just a bell character with no carriage return (to signal
> that it is done, say, while I am in a vi session).  I had been using a
> 'C' routine for this purpose, and finally discovered that I could say:
> 	echo "^G\c"
> only to find out it does not work with UCB 4.2.

	For a good time read the story of echo in Kernighan and Pike's
	the Unix Programming Environment.  The following program will
	work under 4.2bsd.

#! /bin/sh
#	Ring bell continuously, frequency varies with load average.
#	To be really irritating to other users redirect the output 
#	to their terminals, i.e. 'annoy > /dev/ttyi4 &'.
while true
	echo -n "" 

				H. Morrow Long
				ITT-ATC Systems Center,
				1 Research Drive Shelton, CT  06484
				Phone #: (203)-929-7341 x. 634
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	ittral lbl-csam milford mit-eddie psuvax1 purdue qubix qumix 
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