more on echo command

Ed Gould ed at mtxinu.UUCP
Sun Apr 14 17:47:32 AEST 1985

>                           ... and finally discovered that I could say:
> 	echo "^G\c"
> only to find out it does not work with UCB 4.2.

Sure enuf.  Years ago, in csh's infancy, some nameless author decided
that the syntax

	echo -n ...

was preferable.  Since echo was a builtin to csh, it was possible for
a time (under PDP-11 V7) to get the \c syntax from /bin/echo.  That
no longer works, either.  /bin/echo is now a duplicate if csh's
internal echo.

Ed Gould		    mt Xinu, 739 Allston Way, Berkeley, CA  94710  USA
{ucbvax,decvax}!mtxinu!ed   +1 415 644 0146

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