Bug in f77 compiler

darryl at ISM780.UUCP darryl at ISM780.UUCP
Fri Apr 26 21:38:00 AEST 1985


Admittedly, f77 does have a number of bugs, but I don't believe that this
is one of them.  I haven't checked this out, so I'm leeping before looking
here...  When you link using ld explicitly, you ought to consider using
the flags -lF77 and -lI77.  It sounds like you aren't getting the needed
runtime startup code that hides in /usr/lib/libI77.a.  This is why it is
advisable to link using the language command (cc or f77, for example)
rather than doing it on your own -- the compiler knows more about the
expected environment (usually) than you do.

	    --Darryl Richman, INTERACTIVE Systems Corp.
	    The views expressed above are my opinions only.

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