Bug in f77 compiler

chris moore cmoore at amdimage.UUCP
Wed Apr 24 10:18:31 AEST 1985

I have discovered what appears to be a bug in the f77 compiler
running under 4.2bsd.  Has anyone else encountered this, and
is there a fix for it?

	A fortran program compiled with 'f77 -c' and then
	passed through 'ld' will not have units 5 and 6
	attached to stdin and stdout.
Reconstruct by:
	Write a program such as:
	    10  format('hello')
	and do an f77 <file>.f
	Running a.out prints 'hello' correctly.
	Now compile using f77 -c <file>.f and then
	ld <file>.o
	Running a.out prints nothing, and the output goes
	into fort.6

I tried doing explicit opens on units 5 and 6 (open (6,'/dev/tty'))
and I keep getting 'Illegal Argument' on the opens.

Any suggestions would be much appreciated.

			Chris Moore

Of course we have backup tapes.  Do you want last year or the
 year before?

 Chris Moore (408) 749-4692
 UUCP: {ucbvax,decwrl,ihnp4,allegra}!amdcad!amdimage!cmoore

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