Emacs with Televideo and Wyse terminals

Bill Richard wjr at x.UUCP
Sat Apr 27 06:35:26 AEST 1985


	I didn't see the beginning of this dicussion so forgive me if
this has been said before.

	The easiest way I know of to deal with the magic cokkie glitch
in Wyse 50 terminals is to select the PROT = REV option from the setup
menu (4th line, 4th entry), and use the 'enter/exit protect submode'
commands to turn on/off reverse video. The termcap entries are:
" so=\E): se=\E( ". The 'protect' mode only protect against
modification by local edit commands (block mode) and thus does not
interfere with anything in normal (char) mode. I have had my Wyse set
up this way for a year or so and have not had any trouble with it.

William J. Richard @ Charles River Data Systems
983 Concord St. Framingham, MA 01701
Tel: (617) 626-1112
uucp: ...!decvax!frog!wjr

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