Emacs with Televideo and Wyse terminals

Mitch Bradley wmb at sun.uucp
Wed Apr 24 07:47:12 AEST 1985

Here's some ways to use Wyse and Televideo terminals without
stumbling over the "magic cookie" glitch, i.e. the brain damage
about the "enter reverse video" character taking up a space on
the screen.

1) For the Wyse terminal, you can put it in ADDS viewpoint emulation
   mode.  The ADDS mode does not have the magic cookie glitch.
   Here's an appropriate termcap entry:

wk|wyse-nk|Wyse 50 in ADDS Viewpoint enhanced mode with cursor keys gone:\
wv|wyse-vp|wyse|Wyse 50 in ADDS Viewpoint emulation mode with "enhance" on:\
	:le=^H:bs:li#24:co#80:cm=\EY%+ %+ :cd=\Ek:ce=\EK:nd=^F:\

   The "cursor keys gone" version is related to a problem with ADDS mode,
   namely: The UP-ARROW cursor key sends ^Z in ADDS mode, which makes
   the cursor keys less useful, because UP tends to make processes stop.
   So if you use this mode, don't use the cursor keys (of course, with
   Emacs you can rebind ^Z, but some other software is not so flexible).

2) The televideo has one visual attribute that does not take up a space
   on the screen: half-intensity.  Of cours mode stripes don't look
   as nice in half intensity as they do in reverse video, but at
   least the mode line doesn't get garbled.  Here's a termcap entry:

v10|tvi925hi|925|televideo model 925 with half intensity standout mode:\

All this stuff works with Gosling's Emacs; I presume that it will also
work on GNU Emacs.

Mitch Bradley

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