Daylight Saving Time

Neil Todd neil at
Wed Apr 2 19:44:27 AEST 1986

In article <234 at sysdes.UUCP> dk at sysdes.UUCP writes:
>The UK (please correct me if I err) seems to resort to Parliamentary
>announcements (or other black arts) to set DST, so hard-wiring
>it as now is not on.
Stand corrected, I've had the following ctime.c in various machines
for some time now.

 * The European tables ... based on hearsay
 * Believed correct for:
 *	WE:	Great Britain(WRONG use gbdaytab), Portugal?
 *	ME:	Belgium, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Denmark, Norway,
 *		Austria, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Sweden, Switzerland,
 *		DDR, DBR, France, Spain, Hungary, Italy, Jugoslavia
 *		Finland (EE timezone, but ME dst rules)
 * Eastern European dst is unknown, we'll make it ME until someone speaks up.
 *	EE:	Bulgaria, Greece, Rumania, Turkey, Western Russia
 * Ireland is unpredictable.  (Years when Easter Sunday just happens ...)
 * Years before 1983 are suspect.

/* NCT addition */
static struct dstab gbdaytab[] = {
	0,	91,	303,

What DOES really bug me is that only Britain and Portugal use what
Unix calls WET (Western European Time). Why, oh why can't they just
let us use GMT and BST (British Summer Time). I'm pretty sure that
there are more sites in Britain than in Portugal. I asked UCB
but was met with a deafening silence.

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