Daylight Saving Time

dk at sysdes.UUCP dk at sysdes.UUCP
Wed Apr 2 07:14:09 AEST 1986

The current version (USG at least) of localtime in UNIX
allows you to set whether a time zome has Daylight Saving Time, but
no obvious method of changing the days on which DST takes effect.

The UK (please correct me if I err) seems to resort to Parliamentary
announcements (or other black arts) to set DST, so hard-wiring
it as now is not on.

I've seen versions on some U*X systems which append numbers to the
TZ environment variable, and it wouldn't be hard to make our system do the
same. However, it would be nice to know whether anyone knows of
a fairly *standard* fix, so that there won't be a proliferation
of slightly different and nonportable versions.

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