ingres problems under Ultrix

Matt Jacobs matt at adiron.UUCP
Tue May 13 01:59:07 AEST 1986

We recently switched from running UNIX 4.2bsd to DEC's Ultrix.  We have not 
been able to get the ingres that comes with Ultrix to work.  It does not write 
files correctly.  

The source from the version of ingres that came with Ultrix does not seem
to be any different from the version supplied with 4.2 except for:

    1.  addition of DEC headers to the files
    2.  changes to Makefiles for installation of binaries.

Other 4.2 built binaries have mapped over to Ultrix without problems.
We tried using the 4.2 ingres binaries instead of the Ultrix binaries
and ended up with files corrupted in the same manner.

I would appreciate hearing from any one who is running ingres under Ultrix, 
or has knowledge of related problems.

Thanks.  Matt Jacobs. PAR Technology, 1-800-448-6505.

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