Possible compress bug

john s salmi salmi at dicome.uucp
Tue May 20 00:27:26 AEST 1986

In article <1145 at ariel.UUCP> dbw at ariel.UUCP (DAVE B. WOOD) writes:
>> It looks like compress 4.0 mangle.  I just had a C source get mangled
>> the same way. I think it looks like part of the decompression table is
>> wrong so stuff is garbled.
>Losing a single byte will trash the rest of a decompressed file.
>Dave Wood

it appears that the compress/uncompress fault occurs only when uncompressing
multiple files, ie, ``uncompress ~/stuff/*''.  i have been testing 
compress 4.0 rather severely since the bug surfaced at our last local users
meeting, and have made the following observation...

i have been compressing/uncompressing rather large (14-40 Mb) raster images
and then viewing them.  the uncompress bug does NOT appear if i uncompress
1 file at a time.  however, if i compress a slew of files and then uncompress
them, i get errors when i cmp the uncompressed version to the virgin version.

i have NOT been able to make compress/uncompress fail on ascii files, either
single or multiple.   another clue may be some indiscriminate incompatibility
between version 3.0 and version 4.0.  

any other comments/views?

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