rn/nntp on unixpc?

Steve Howard showard at ucqais.uc.edu
Sun Dec 4 04:11:22 AEST 1988

In article <293 at jhunix.JHU.EDU>, ecf_hap at jhunix.JHU.EDU (Andrew Poling) writes:
> Has anyone ever tried nntp(Network News Transfer Protocol) on this box?

We have NNTP running on a 3b1....It works great!

> BTW- a tip for anyone putting a unixpc on ethernet: don't put it on a DELNI.
> I can only testify for the DEC variety, but any multi-port-transciever-type
> box will probably give you headaches.  The ethernet card for the unixpc

The same 3B1 is plugged into a DEC Delni and has been working fine for months.
There has never been any problem that would suggest it was caused by any
hangup with the 3B1 ethernet card or the Delni.

Steve Howard      Univ of Cincinnati  College of Business Administration 
(showard at uccba.uc.edu)   UUCP:  {pyramid,decuac,mit-eddie}!uccba!showard

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