Need tty000 modem help

Karl Swartz kls at ditka.UUCP
Sat Dec 3 18:51:51 AEST 1988

In article <138 at> randy at cctb.UUCP (Randy Orrison) writes:
>Does anyone have a modemcap entry
>for a hayes modem that doesn't report status codes?

Sure.  Here are the modemcap entries I use with ditka's TrailBlazer,
which is configured to be quite so getty doesn't get wedged:

    # Telebit trailblazer modem
    # same as hayes, but send a couple of "A"s first to get autobaud right
    # Name=telebit9600
    t9|telebit96|telebit 9600:tr=\r:wp=\r:wk=K:wt=T:\
    # Name=telebit2400
    t2|telebit24|telebit 2400:tr=\r:wp=\r:wk=K:wt=T:\
    # Name=telebit1200
    t1|telebit12|telebit 1200:tr=\r:wp=\r:wk=OK:wt=ECT:\

(These are slightly hacked from some I saw posted on the net; I
regret not being able to find the information to properly credit
their original source.)

Karl Swartz		|UUCP	{ames!hc!rt1,decuac!netsys}!ditka!kls
1-505/667-7777 (work)	|ARPA	rt1!ditka!kls at
1-505/672-3113 (home)	|BIX	kswartz
"I never let my schooling get in the way of my education."  (Twain)

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