EIA/RAM board with 512K expansion board

Thad P Floryan thad at cup.portal.com
Fri Dec 2 17:59:27 AEST 1988

Re: Dave Arnold's problem installing 1.0MB EIA along with 0.5MB RAM ...

The UNIXpc Reference Manual (the one with the schematics, etc) and the UNIXpc
EIA/RAM Combo Board Installation Guides both contain a set of charts and tables
describing installation of such accessories.

Assuming your CPU has 0.5MB on the motherboard, there are only TWO combinations
of installing a 1.0MB EIA/RAM card and a 0.5MB RAM card per:

     |                                                  |
     |                  BACK OF UNIXpc                  |
     |                                                  |
     | +------------+   +------------+   +------------+ |
     | |   SLOT 1   |   |   SLOT 2   |   |   SLOT 3   | |
     | +------------+   +------------+   +------------+ |

I. The 0.5MB RAM card *MUST* be in slot 3

II. The 1.0MB EIA card can be in EITHER slot 1 OR slot 2

That's it.  The docs do NOT show any other valid combination or permutation.

Thad Floryan [ thad at cup.portal.com (OR) ..!sun!portal!cup.portal.com!thad ]

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