Question regarding ethernet on 7300

Dave Arnold dave at arnold.UUCP
Wed Dec 7 13:34:55 AEST 1988

Hello again.

I have an opportunity to buy a used ethernet board for the 7300.
However, all I am going to get is the board in unknown condition
(all dusty sitting in a warehouse).

I wonder if some kind soul would mind answering a couple of

Q)	What software is supposed to come with the board? (If any)
	Is it link layer drivers?
	Is it the above + TCP/IP with sockets, and TCP/IP applications

	Do I have to go to a third party vendor for TCP/IP software?

	How about XNS?

Q)	How much was AT&T originally selling this board for,
	and what are the current market prices (if any).

Q)	Once I get the board, is there diagnostics included
	that I can use to check the board out without actually
	hooking it up to a cable?

Besides the above questions,

Any other info would be appreciated.

Dave Arnold
dave at
Volt Delta Resources     Phone: (714) 921-7635

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