wanderer2 for 3b1 ( unix pc ).....

Alex Chan alexc at whizz.uucp
Thu Dec 8 10:25:33 AEST 1988


	I am trying to get wanderer2 to run on the unix-pc
	I have the source for wanderer2 and it compiled fine
	but when it come to run time, the screen just messed
	up and I can not trace down the causes of it. the code
	have been compiled and run fine under MS-DOS, XENIX 3.0
	3.4, 3.5 , VAX 11/78-, SUN 3/280, a few tek. boxes.

	This proves to me that there must be someting that
	the unix-pc is doing that I am not aware of, could
	some of you out there give me a hint or two. thanks
	If you want the sources for wanderer2 to try on,
	just leave me a note and I would E-mail them to you.
	thanks again.

Alex M. Chan
AMC Microsystems Inc. ( Private research and developement )
DISCLAIMER : The above stated is only my personal opinion, in no way                         it represent my employer or my organization....

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