login security package

Charles Brunow clb at loci.UUCP
Sun Dec 4 05:34:19 AEST 1988

In article <1390 at umbc3.UMD.EDU>, alex at umbc3.UMD.EDU (Alex S. Crain) writes:
> 	Are you a walking attitude problem, or what? If you don't like
> this guys software, don't use it. Better yet, write a replacement yourself
> and post it.

	Alex, you're a funny guy.  In your tantrum you manage to be
	pompous, arrogant, and superior, as if you had some unspecified
	right to dictate how I should think and what I should say, all
	without shedding any light on the subject.  But the best part
	is the counter-point between what you say and what you do.
> 	In the mean time, your behaviour is arrogant and rude, and out of 
> place in this newsgroup. I don't think that I am alone in requesting you
> to vent your problems elsewhere.

	"In the mean time ..."; what?  You mean until YOU have evaluated
	the software, or written your own, or until you grow up?  If you
	could read then you'd know I responded to a request and that I
	stated legitimate concerns.  You don't like it?  Move to Russia.
> 	The rule of thumb in freeware is that you get what you pay for, so
> if it doesn't work, don't be surprised. I've never spent a dime for anything
> outside of the utilities and development set for this machine, and I'm doing
> reasearch and development in several languages (Common Lisp, Prolog, and C)
> ...

	I really love these arbitrary "rules of thumb";  Who elected you
	to be the net conscience anyway.  I happen to believe that you're
	a light-weight, and your list of toys sews it.  So what?  There
	is another net rule of thumb which says "If you don't like it,
	don't read it."  But in your case, it should be "...don't read
	into it."  Have you got enough thumbs?
> 	BTW: I don't recall seeing your name on any free software recently....

	I bet you think that means that I haven't done any, right, because
	you don't recall.  Ha, what a funny guy.

> 					:alex.
> 					Systems Programmer
> nerwin!alex at umbc3.umd.edu		UMBC
> alex at umbc3.umd.edu

#_\_@\\/\_@\\/\_@\            Charles Brunow                   Loci Products
# /--u// --u// --o/            clb at loci.UUCP                  POB 833846-131
# _ __  _ _ __  __ __   ..!uunet!texbell!loci!clb    Richardson, Texas 75083

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