login security package

Charles Brunow clb at loci.UUCP
Thu Dec 1 06:22:55 AEST 1988

In article <2284 at ddsw1.MCS.COM>, karl at ddsw1.MCS.COM (Karl Denninger) writes:
+ In article <185 at loci.UUCP> clb at loci.UUCP (Charles Brunow) writes:
+ >In article <519 at whizz.uucp>, bbh at whizz.uucp (Bud Hovell) writes:
+ >> John Hough (jfh at rpp386) is building a drop-in replacement login, and this
+ >> posting is to inquire for some wizard who is willing to assist on the beta
+ >> testing by providing feedback on mods and suggestions for enabling it to run
+ >> on the UNIXPC.
+ >
+ >	I know this guy and his software and I wouldn't touch it with
+ >	a stick.  This stuff is developed (loosely interpreted) on a
+ >	xenix box and I recommend that you go through it very carefully
+ >	before you put on real Unix. 
+ Charles, that's not nice at all.
+  ... 
+ I think you owe jfh at rpp386 an apology.

	An apology!  Ha, don't hold your breath.  If you like his stuff
	then use it but "I recommend that you go through it very carefully"
	and "I wouldn't touch it with YOUR stick."

#_\_@\\/\_@\\/\_@\            Charles Brunow                   Loci Products
# /--u// --u// --o/            clb at loci.UUCP                  POB 833846-131
# _ __  _ _ __  __ __   ..!uunet!texbell!loci!clb    Richardson, Texas 75083

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