PC7300 direct connect to host - HOW TO DO IT?

2301 pete at ittg.UUCP
Fri Dec 16 07:21:12 AEST 1988

I'm sure I saw this one discussed in the last few months.

What is the technique used to connect the 3b1/PC7300 (tty000)
to a host system via a direct connect RS232 cable? 
(I have an eight wire connection that works fine with terminals)

I've tried a number of variations with the /usr/lib/uucp/...
files with little or no success.  So, I have surmised that 
I do not have my files (L.sys, L-devices, etc.) set up correctly.
(The testing is taking place under ver 2.0, could that be it?)

I would like to test the 'uucico' file transfer capability with
direct connect cable rather than 'modem-to-modem' transfers.

We would like to purchase a number of these "fireside sale"
PC7300's for workstation/terminals.  ($450.00/terminal or
$595.00/PC7300 in my book is no contest).  However, if the 
slow baud rate problem can't be resolved (inexpensively) we'll
have to resort to the terminals.

I get a 'login:' prompt from the host with:

cu -s 9600 -l tty000 -e dir
	(was there a solution to the slow baud rate here?)
	(I seem to be connected at around 4800 baud)

I've logged in and done a number of tasks.  I know the connection
is solid.  So where do you think I've gone wrong?

Pete Sherwood	     Voice (207) 796-2301
** No disclaimers needed where I work. **

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