Fed up with Gnu CC

Charles A Anderson caa at midgardMidgard.MN.ORG
Tue Dec 6 10:57:10 AEST 1988

In article <12042 at cup.portal.com> thad at cup.portal.com (Thad P Floryan) writes:
|Though most the GNU software compiles (and executes!) fine on the UNIXpc,
|attempts to build GNU gcc (version 1.31) run up against what appears to be
|an insurmountable obstacle: lack of table space in the UNIXpc cc compiler.
|If it *IS* a situation of too many "#define ...", any suggestions for a
|possible workaround?

    As fas as I understand, it is.

|How have those who've build gcc before (on the UNIXpc) side-stepped this

    I've read it here on the net from people that have compiled gcc that
you have to use the gnu cpp, a uuencode executable was posted a long time
ago, and it came through again when gcc 1.26 executables were posted.

|The GNU docs clearly state to *NOT* use gcc itself to build the gnulib and the
|first stage of compiling gcc, thus precluding use of, say, gcc-1.26 or the
|recently posted gcc-1.30.

    Don't use gcc but use the gnu-cpp.

|Thad Floryan [ thad at cup.portal.com (OR) ..!sun!portal!cup.portal.com!thad ]

Charles Anderson              | People of the Earth can you hear me?
    caa at midgard.mn.org        | Came a voice from the sky on that magical night
...!amdahl!bungia!midgard!caa | And in the colours of a thousand sunsets
                              | They traveled to the world on a silvery light
                              |         -Billy Thorpe, Children Of The Sun

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