pwcntl utility posted to unix-pc.sources

Dave Ihnat ignatz at
Sat Dec 17 05:41:59 AEST 1988

Well, I believe it's complete enough for posting, so here' lookin' at you...
'pwcntl' is a utility for the Unix PC that allows you to:

-Produce an 80-column report of activity recorded in the /etc/pwcntl file.
 This may be sorted by login name, by date of last login, or left in file order.
 You may also elect to only report on 'bad' logins--i.e., login names that
 aren't on the system, or have recorded user IDs that don't match the
 /etc/passwd value for that login.
-Interactively peruse the file.  This is a full-screen interface allowing you
 to position yourself within the file, and offering indicators when bad records
 are encountered.

-Interactively update the file.  Record deletion, ID correction, and space
 recalculation are supported.

-Global space recalculation for all recorded login IDs in the file.  This may
 be selected either by itself (i.e., a cron job), or as a precursor to a dump
 or interactive session.

There is a makefile, and man pages for both the utility and the header file.
It was developed under 3.51, but I have no reason to believe it won't work on
at least 3.50, and probably earlier versions of Unix on the PC.

Please let me know of any enhancements, bugs, fixes, etc.  Route Email to me
as ignatz at

	Dave Ihnat
	Analysts International Corp.

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