Battery backup or UPS for 3B1

Dave Brower daveb at llama.rtech.UUCP
Thu Feb 11 16:51:52 AEST 1988

In some article, someone waxes rhapsodic:
>I use the FROB 666 (mfd. by FROB Power Systems, Inc.; 666 W. 66th Street;
>Quick specs of the FROB 666:
>The FROB 666 has my highest recommendation.  I operate my systems 66 hrs/day
>and would NEVER consider operating without these UPS systems.

I just _hate_ hype that doesn't include at least a ballpark estimate of
the price.  Are these UPSes a particular deal, like $200 for the dink
one and $400 for the big one?  There are many companies making/selling
nearly equivalent products.  Price is the big issue, especially when you
are protecting a $1200 machine.

"People will do anything for a potato."
{amdahl, cpsc6a, mtxinu, ptsfa, sun, hoptoad}!rtech!daveb daveb at rtech.uucp

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