Unix-PC manuals

Larry McVoy lm at arizona.edu
Sun Feb 28 07:32:09 AEST 1988

In article <105 at pcid.UUCP> mark at pcid.UUCP (mark hilliard) writes:
>The best thing to do is ask the net if someone will sell you their 3.5
>man set.  When you upgrade from 3.5 to 3.51 you get a complete manual
>set.  The differences betwen the sets is very small

I'd be interested in a set of 3.5 manuals if anyone cares to sell...
Call me at 1-800-LAI-UNIX x286 or mail me, please.

Larry McVoy	lm at arizona.edu or ...!{uwvax,sun}!arizona.edu!lm

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