Looking for termcap/terminfo entries for UNIX PC in UNIX PC mode

Jim Rosenberg jr at amanue.UUCP
Sat Feb 27 15:58:55 AEST 1988

In article <1028 at woton.UUCP> riddle at woton.UUCP (Prentiss Riddle ) writes:
>I'm having problems with the "s4" and "7300" terminfo/termcap entries
>on our 3B1's and 3B15.  Some of our users like to dial from one machine
>to another using the Telephone Manager in UNIX PC mode, rather than
>have it emulate a vt100 or a 513 terminal.  Unfortunately, there
>appears to be a problem in the terminal emulation and/or in its
>interaction with termcap/terminfo in this mode.  Specifically, vi gets
>very confused about what line it is on, in a manner that suggests
>scrolling and/or wordwrap problems. 

Hmm, I've noticed this at the *console* too if I'm using a non-standard
sized font in slot 0.  I know they say you're not supposed to put a smaller
font than 9x12 into slot 0, but if you don't you can't get a cursor
smaller than 9x12.  The small fonts seem to work, and vi sort of works,
but ^D mungs the screen terribly.  I'd also be most interested if anybody
has a fix for this.
 Jim Rosenberg
     CIS: 71515,124                         decvax!idis! \
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     BIX: jrosenberg                  uunet!cmcl2!cadre! /

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