Looking for termcap/terminfo entries for UNIX PC in UNIX PC mode

Richard Foulk richard at islenet.UUCP
Sun Feb 28 14:21:52 AEST 1988

> The problem is that the automatic margins feature is broken
> in terminal emulation (async_main) from the phone manager.  This has
> been broken for some time.  At one time I had an async_main
> with this fixed from Jonathon Clarke, but that was for 3.0
> and no one supports the fix in 3.5 or 3.51.  The fix got
> "lost" by the developers.
> As a work-around you can take /etc/termcap and edit out the
> :am: option.  Also go to the terminfo database and
> infocmp -> vi -> tic the s4 entry.  Warning this will affect
> local use as well as dial-in use.

A better solution is to use cu instead of the phone managers
terminal emulator (assuming vt100 emulation isn't a must).

The phone manager is so absurdly slow I'm always amazed to
hear that anyone is actually using it.

If the machine you're dialing into is a unix box then set
it up with a copy of the unixpc termcap and things will work
just fine.

If you must have vt100 emulation then I think you're just
out of luck until someone fixes the phone manager or writes
a decent replacement.

But if you must have vt100 emulation then you're probably
dialing into the wrong kind of computer anyway.   :-)

Richard Foulk		...{vortex,ihnp4}!islenet!richard
Honolulu, Hawaii

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