Paint Power for 3b1

Richard Stevens stevens at hsi.UUCP
Fri Feb 19 02:45:07 AEST 1988

Does anyone have any experience with the "Paint Power" program for
the 3b1, or any other "painting" program ??  What I'm looking for is
something similar to MacPaint/MacDraw that can generate "good"
pictures, and I'm willing to pay.  (What I want to draw are
flowchart-type pictures and I'd like to avoid having to use pic for
them.)  I also want to be able to integrate the pictures into a troff
document.  I'm *very* interested in what the output options of the
painting program are - does it only generate screen output, or can I
generate PostScript, for example, or pic output.  Thanks.

(By the way, I'm familiar with the lemming package that was posted
to the net last summer, and I know that lemming can generate either
pic or PostScript output, and I've *almost* finished a lemming
driver for the 3b1, but I'd prefer to just buy something off the
shelf, if I can.)

	Richard Stevens
	Health Systems International, New Haven, CT
	   { uunet | ihnp4 } ! hsi ! stevens

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