Second fan, power supply questions

wilber at alice.UUCP wilber at alice.UUCP
Sat Jan 30 02:07:38 AEST 1988

Lenny Tropiano writes:
>... I bought two fans,
>my next project is to remove the foam in the left side and replace that
>with another fan. (Hey, what's a little more hum?) :-)  I'll keep everyone

After reading all the tales of woe about fans dying and then the 3b1 going
into self destruct mode, I've decided that maybe I ought to put in a second
fan myself.  The only thing holding me back is a (slight) concern that the
little bit of extra power drawn by the fan might push the power supply over
the edge.  Is there any one with that expen$ive technical manual who can
tell me how much power the 67 Mb disk and the various boards use, and how
much power the 3b1 can supply?  (Okay, so I'm paranoid, but it seems that
aside from cooling the other weak link in the 3b1 reliability chain is the
power supply.)

Alternatively, are there *AC* fans of the right size that could be used?
(Such a fan could draw power directly from the wall without going through
the power supply.)

Bob Wilber          {ihnp4, mtune}!gauss!wilber or wilber at

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